Entries by Daniel Schipfel

New project “Morbus Pompe”

The new project for early detection of the rare disease “Morbus Pompe” is generously supported by the pharmaceutical company SanofiGenzyme GmbH and the software company NeuroSys GmbH for 2 years.

Publication on Q53 project available

Common pre-diagnostic features in individuals with different rare diseases represent a key for diagnostic support with computerized pattern recognition? [Download]

Approval by the ethics committee

The Ethics Committee of the Hannover Medical School gives its approval to the project “Rare Diseases – Short paths prospectively”


After the basic concept and first Internet pages were developed in 2018, the programming work now begins.

Certification of APP as medical device (risk class I)

Certification according to the certification criteria “Quality Product Internet Medicine” of the Federal Association Internet Medicine e.V. for “Q53” Prof. Dr. med. Lorenz Grigull, MBA, MME, Hannover Medical School, Center for Pediatrics and Youth Medicine, Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1, 30625 Hannover

Rare diseases – short ways prospectively

In a field study, a questionnaire will be offered for more than one year to accompany the standard diagnostics for people with serious complaints, but without a confirmed diagnosis. The evaluation of the questionnaire by means of the procedures of artificial intelligence generates diagnostic clues, which are automatically sent as email attachments to the treating […]